Personal data is required for a wide range of everyday business transactions: for example, placing an order without providing a delivery address or transferring a salary without knowing the bank details would be nearly impossible. However, data protection grants individuals whose data is being processed certain rights (e.g., information, access, deletion, etc.) to review these transactions if necessary. These rights, along with a multitude of other data protection obligations, must be observed by those who work with or need to process personal data. Using the example of customer and employee data processing, this webinar offers insights into the key problem areas and illustrates how to implement obligations such as informing potential customers or job applicants on the website, when consent must be obtained, and what to consider in data processing within the HR department.
This webinar provides an overview of the key data protection issues related to customer and employee data. Practical examples will demonstrate possible ways to implement these requirements. Participants’ interests and questions will be taken into account, and the focus may be adjusted accordingly.
This one-day webinar is suitable for anyone directly involved in implementing data protection obligations. Participants can include individuals who encounter data protection issues in their daily work, those responsible for their implementation (e.g., clerical staff, department heads), or those who advise or monitor the implementation as Data Protection Officers or Data Protection Coordinators.
Employee Data
- Fundamentals of employee data protection
- Regulations under the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), GDPR, and state data protection laws concerning employee data
- Definition of "employee" in the context of data protection
- Handling applicant data
- Employee records and their contents
- Data protection and performance monitoring
- Data processing activities in the context of the workplace (payroll, tools, calendars, birthday lists, etc.)
- Data retention periods
Customer Data
- Data protection obligations in handling customer data
- Data subject rights
- Data protection-compliant design of websites
- Handling data subject requests
- Sending newsletters
- Involving service providers and designing data protection-compliant contracts
- Data retention periods
Your contact persons
Do you have any questions about our seminars or webinars? Then please feel free to contact us by sending an e-mail to:
Or call us directly: +49 421 69 66 32-298
Dr. Britta Alexandra Mester, lawyer
Head of Academy | Senior Consultant Data Protection
Phone: +49 421 69 66 32-360
Katharina Reeschke
Training Coordinator
Phone: +49 421 69 66 32-359
Brita Stockmann
Training Coordinator
Phone: +49 421 69 66 32-218
You can also use the DSN Academy contact form for your request!